Pedestal Mounted Spot Weld Guns with Integrated KapTec™ Cap Maintenance Solutions
PedTec™ standardized solutions (WG750 single stand and DW500 dual stand) are designed for CenterLine’s FlexGun™ 3 and FlexGun™ Ultra and supplied with integrated KapTec™ Weld Cap Maintenance. The stands will accommodate most spot weld guns.
PedTec™ Clevis and Risers allow for mounting guns at angles ranging from 0 to 45 degrees and heights up to 1,000 mm. Weld guns can be mounted horizontally and vertically.
CenterLine is the only manufacturer of both robot-mounted weld guns and patented pedestal-mounted weld guns with integrated Cap Maintenance Stations in order to increase production uptime, weld adaptor life, and reduce maintenance requirements.
FlexGun™ Projection Welding is available in both Inverted Feed Process (IFP) and Standard Feed Process (SFP) and is also available as an integrated solution. The SoftMount™ Gun is the preferred solution for robotic projection welding.
Key Benefits
PedTec™ Configurations
Pedestal Mount Spot Weld Gun Solutions:

PedTec™ Stands and Accessories
CenterLine’s PedTec™ Stands and Accessories provide optimum options if you prefer to integrate your own pedestal solution. It saves lead time, integration cost, and can be easily integrated with most welding gun styles to create a wide range of robust integrated solutions.

PedTec™ Stands and Accessories include: